
Walking on Water – Beautifully Flawed

The latest and greatest from our lovely Youth Editor Emily in her series, “Walking on Water- Living with Hydrocephalus.”


Beautifully Flawed


In the recent months, I have been having a lot of trouble with my cerebral palsy. I have been having more muscle aches and have recently developed symptoms of Runner’s Knee, even though I do not run. This is merely just one obstacle that I am facing and I continue to do so every single day. I have been very blessed to have been given the accommodations that I have so that when I do have a severe flare up, I can use para-transit instead of having to walk and aggravate it further.

I do not use this as an excuse to skip class or feel defeated. When someone climbs a mountain, the end goal is to get to the top of the mountain. By living with this condition, my end goal is not to let it defeat me. My end goal is to live my life like every other college student in the hopes that I can do everything just like everyone else.


There is a great quote from one of my all time favorite films, October Baby. It is, “To be human is to be beautifully flawed.” That is what I am. Beautifully flawed. I love my life and am going to continue to live it as best I can. I am enjoying school, my sorority, and the friends I have made along the way. This would not have been possible without their love and support, along with my wonderful family. My family knew after I left the NICU that I was destined for great things. I plan to fulfill that wish for them one day. I hope that one day I can make them prouder than I already know they are of me. They have given me everything I could ever hope for and I hope to one day give it all back and more.

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