Health + Wellness

Sun’s Out, Screen Out!

Hey there sunshine! We all know that a little bit of Vitamin D every day is extremely beneficial to our overall health, but let’s be sure that we are using the best sunscreens and keeping ourselves covered up as much as possible. Prolonged exposure to the sun can be harmful to your health, not to mention how it ages your skin, so be smart and check out these recommended products from the Environmental Working Group.


This year, EWG scientists investigated more than 750 beach and sport sunscreens for our 10th annual guide, and while there has been significant progress over the last decade, serious concerns remain.

Almost 75 percent of the products we examined provide inferior sun protection or contain worrisome ingredients like the hormone-disrupting chemical oxybenzone. So before you head out in the sun this summer, make sure you’re prepared with EWG’s 2016 Guide to Sunscreens.



Of the 750 beach and sport sunscreens we reviewed, only 203 meet EWG’s strictest criteria. Check out which ones made the cut at EWG’s Best Beach & Sport Sunscreens.




There are a lot of sunscreens for kids out there that may be convenient to apply but contain worrisome ingredients or don’t provide adequate protection from the sun. Check out EWG’s Worst Scoring Sunscreens for Kids to see which ones your family should avoid.



Overwhelmed by all of the choices out there? EWG’s Sun Safety Amazon Store is full of products that have top ratings in EWG’s Annual Sunscreen Guide. It’s a fast and easy way to find EWG’s top-rated sunscreens, which you can order straight from Amazon. Plus a percentage of your Amazon purchase will go to EWG!

