healthy eating

Health + Wellness

Positively Perfect Paella

  The most perfect meal has to be paella. Full of vegetables, proteins and crunchy rice, this Spanish dish is so completely delicious, you'll wonder how you have lived so long without it. Here's the version SuperHubs created to blow…

Cool Beans – The Breakdown

  If you have recently discovered that you need to eat a more plant-based diet, you may also be wondering how on earth to get some protein that is satisfying, tasty and not an animal product. We're here to help,…
Health + Wellness

Spanish Rice

  This savory rice dish is great with any type of  food. With a nice hit of spice, the flavors will entertain every single one of your taste buds. Salute! 2 tablespoons oil (your preference, we recommend canola) 1 medium…
Health + Wellness

Cool California Chili

Although we are from Texas, where chili is an art form, we have modified our favorite chili recipe to lighten it up and make it healthier. Note: real Texas chili has no beans.  Our Cool California Chili is made vegetarian-style…
Health + Wellness

Spinaci e Fagioli

This is an adaption of a family recipe, one that is a favorite of my Uncle Pat.  It's easy, inexpensive to make and guess what, super good for you! Beans are an outstanding protein, and whatever greens you use are…