
Things We Love: Bar Cart Reimagined – Really!

How To Roll Up to a Great Experience

Bar carts are everywhere these days as a fun, fashionable design element for your home. I recently read that they are over – what?! It seems like they just got here! You can find my favorite versions at Houzz, West Elm, CB2 or the one I bought myself at Cost Plus World Market.

Cost Plus World Market Gold Cole 3-Tier bub bRolling Bar Cart, $169.99

Just one thing you should know. Not using it for the bar. I brought it instead into my bathroom. Specifically, for tub time. That’s right, a rolling wonderland of everything I need for a perfect bath!

You see, with all of my aches, pains, injuries and insomnia, my bedtime bath is pretty sacred stuff. And on the weekends, I throw on a facial mask, grab a glass of wine and a book and have my own home spa day.

So having the bar cart nearby to roll on up with my bath salts, magazines, washcloths and bevvie coaster is pretty much heaven. You don’t need a fancy one to get the same effect, so get creative. All I can say is, it’s my favorite thing in my bathroom and I use it every day.

If you aren’t a big bath person but you are going through an illness, a tough time, experiencing sleeplessness or coming out of something that has made you feel like one big raw nerve, baths are such a wonderful way to make yourself feel better and it’s so easy.

Some bubbles or bath salts or essential oils (I have linked to my favorites) are cheap and you can even make them yourself, if you are so inclined.

Baths are a great for a better night’s sleep, and a must for me. During and after my illness, my meds  gave me side effects that kept me awake for countless nights. I found that a bath before bed helped so much in training my body (and mind!) to start relaxing.

I hope this inspires you to create a sacred ritual for yourself, where you are taking care of you, taking some much needed quiet time and bringing with you all of your favorite things.