
VB6 – A New Approach To Eating

Ready to try something new and good for you? Try VB6.

Eating fruits and vegetables as the majority of your diet is the approach behind VB6.

Let me tell you how I got to VB6. As some of you know, I’ve been really struggling with weight gain since my illness began years ago. The meds I had to take to keep the cancer away wreaked havoc with my metabolism. This causes a continuous creep of more and more pounds. Disclaimer: I know things could be worse in a million ways, so know that I do keep it in perspective. 😉

This is difficult in two ways. One is physically, of course, because it affects how you move and how you feel. The second way is mentally, because you think you are through it and done with it but hey, it’s still messin’ with ya. All you want is to feel like yourself again, but it’s a constant struggle every day.

So, with the help of a wonderful oncological endocrinologist, I am embarking on a new adventure. While there are also other things I am doing, the basic idea is to eat vegan before 6 pm (VB6). This has not been hard for me at all, because I eat a mostly plant-based diet anyway. Luckily, there’s help. Award-winning author and food journalist Mark Bittman has written a book and cookbook about his approach to eating since being told by his doctor that he was pre-diabetic.

VB6 by Mark Bittman is a flexible diet plan that recommends eating a vegan diet before 6:00 p.m.

I have been following Mark Bittman throughout his career (as a food columnist for the New York Times and on his televisions shows) because I love learning about food. What I love about VB6 is that you eat vegan for breakfast and lunch, and then you can have whatever you want – in moderation – for dinner. So then you don’t feel like you are depriving yourself. I am already losing weight! This is really a triumph given that I have literally tried everything.

The VB6 Cookbook by Mark Bittman is a collection of 350 recipes that supports eating vegan diet before 6:00 p.m.

The other thing that I think is a factor in my weight loss is eating dinner separately from my husband. Our schedules don’t match anyways, so he is eating earlier because he goes to bed earlier (and gets up wayyy before me). I have found that I don’t need anything big when I come home. I go right to the gym, and then just need a small bowl of soup or some veggies. While the doctor recommended eating fish or chicken for dinner, I am not eating much animal protein at all and honestly I really feel better. Big surprise – I don’t really miss it.

This is the thing about learning how to eat and exercise after experiencing a life-changing illness. It’s such a personal journey, and different for everyone. So you have to figure out what works for you, and really commit to it.

I am also not drinking alcohol for the next few months.This is partly to accelerate the weight loss. But also because women who have had breast cancer are encouraged not to drink much. Find out more about that here.

So, I’ll let you know how it goes, but I have to tell you, VB6 has been a pretty natural transition for me. Maybe it might work for you, too, but whatever it is that makes you feel better, do that. As the weight falls away, I am feeling better and have more energy. Most importantly, I am on the path to really feeling like myself again. It’s only been almost a decade (!!), so I am really, really ready. I hope you find your way to yourself much sooner – we’re here to help you get there.

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