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How to Recognize Anxiety (and Get Help)

Are you constantly worrying? Do you feel like you can’t breathe? Or sleep? You might have anxiety. Understanding what anxiety is might be the first step in feeling better. The good news is, there are ways to lessen the effects, but you have to know where to get help.

I experienced a lot of anxiety after my diagnosis. The first thing you think of when something is amiss after you have had cancer is that it’s back. I had to learn to recognize that this was my immediate reaction, but not necessarily the truth. I still feel it every time I go to the doctor, which is often, but I am getting better at dealing with it. It may not be related to an illness, but your job, your future, your family.

In this high-paced world, there are more and more of us who suffer from this. I found that yoga, meditation and music are the most helpful solutions for my anxiety. You’ll have to work out what’s best for you, and then keep practicing it. In my experience, it does get easier with repetition.

Try checking out this list from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so educate yourself and ask questions of the right professionals. There are ways to help, so don’t be afraid to reach out. If it helps you to feel better, it’s worth the effort. Feel better!