Health + Wellness

Cool California Chili

Although we are from Texas, where chili is an art form, we have modified our favorite chili recipe to lighten it up and make it healthier. Note: real Texas chili has no beans.  Our Cool California Chili is made vegetarian-style…

Sexy? Who, Me?

You know who we need to be kind to the most? Ourselves.  Read on for more...   I saw this on the bike path at the beach the other day.  I believe it was part of a marathon course and…

We Honor Those Who Serve

    Today we salute those who serve our country so that we may have our freedoms.  For all of those grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and other dear ones, a heartfelt thanks from the team here at MNU.…
Health + Wellness

Spinaci e Fagioli

This is an adaption of a family recipe, one that is a favorite of my Uncle Pat.  It's easy, inexpensive to make and guess what, super good for you! Beans are an outstanding protein, and whatever greens you use are…