
Smell This!

  Looking for some great ideas to make your home smell wonderful? We can help!   Since I have had chemo, and most particularly during chemo, my sense of smell has heightened to superpower level.  Had I the choice, I…
Health + Wellness

HOT TIP: Immunity Boosters

If you are a parent, a frequent traveler, or someone with a compromised immune system, you already know that you have to arm yourself with as many preventative disease-fighters as possible.  We aren't talking about cold meds, but those beautiful…

eSalon Does It Again

      We have already shared with you how we are huge fans of this trendsetting hair color service (see our previous post here). Now we have personally tested some more of their products, and we are giving them...wait…

HOT TIP – Lower Risk of Breast Cancer

What's the easiest way to lower your risk of breast cancer? Start walking.  Yep, that simple.  In a recent study published by PLoS One, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers found that those women who had engaged in moderate activity every…