Hot tip

Health + Wellness

HOT TIP: Immunity Boosters

If you are a parent, a frequent traveler, or someone with a compromised immune system, you already know that you have to arm yourself with as many preventative disease-fighters as possible.  We aren't talking about cold meds, but those beautiful…

HOT TIP – Lower Risk of Breast Cancer

What's the easiest way to lower your risk of breast cancer? Start walking.  Yep, that simple.  In a recent study published by PLoS One, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers found that those women who had engaged in moderate activity every…

HOT TIP – Red Wine

  Red, Red Wine...       You've probably heard that red wine is good for you, but don't know why.  Let us break it down. Whether it's a Syrah, Pinot Noir or Cabernet, red wine is loaded with polyphenols.…

Today’s HOT TIP

    A new study has shown that drinking coffee regularly can drop the risk of liver cancer by 40%, as well as protect against Alzheimer's, diabetes and other cancers.  That should ease the guilt of that daily trip to…